Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Preparing Pumpkin( 1919 )and the Virginia Pudding

Quote This from the 1909 Gothenburg Times regarding preparing the pumpkin-

The delicate flavor of pumpkin comes from the long and gentle application of heat. 
Stew the preparation 2- 3 hours. Then mix in the following ingredients:

To each cup of pulp add the following-
  two beaten eggs
 a cupful of sugar
 a tablespoon of corn starch, dissolved in a cup of creme- add-
-half a tsp of ginger and cinnamon and a lemon extract
add a large tablespoon of melted butter
add this to the paste mixture above and bake into a pie...

Virginia pudding is  a southern recipe,  although it is stated that Thanksgiving   is  seen as a Northern tradition  For this the baker needed one lb of stoned raisins, one pound of currants, and a forth a pound of citron (sliced in large baking bowl) dredged with flour a half pound of fresh suet was added and all mixed together-
in another bowl mix one half pound of butter with equal weight of sugar add six egg yolks and beat smooth-add one pint of rich sweet mild-

This is merely the beginning of the recipe. Should anyone want to fix this I will be so kind to write you the rest of the recipe--It surely takes days to fix-I can't imagine but the pioneer wedding cakes were much the same- made over a period of weeks so that one got the cake wrapped in paper.

The Virginia pudding had a sauce on top consisting of sugar. butter, egg white, and lemon rind. In my mind I see a beautiful plantation with a cook madly at work preparing this delicacy which also includes a variety of spices and fruit. I bet it was good, or at least interesting. I think I will stick to the pumpkin above and try an original pie...Happy Thanksgiving from Barb

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