Saturday, November 23, 2013


Lord, here sit at 6:45 a.m. a peaceful time of day for talking with you. It's quiet outside the way I like. There's just a bit of snow in the street. My coffee cup is to my right. The office here is scattered with paper, pens, books, a day bed, kitty curled up, a bit straw basket, mys white book case with glass doors, my garage sale book case, and the book case Milan made me, my writing, tussled  covers from a short night, the credenza with art supplies, some fabric, thread, embroidery  needles, pictures on the wall, a few dolls from my collection, nick knacks and art, pictures of family, my Bibles in the cupboard, a candle, a tape recorder for reading into, computers, my favorite stories, song books with songs I like, a box of family pictures, book markers with sayings, poetry that I wrote, thread, a closet with everything, vintage books, drawers full of dreams. In other words, my office defines me and my passions. Nothing big or fancy-that's not me. The things I like are small and intimate and connected to hobbies and interests. This is a sun room with a big window for the sun to shine in, I like seeing out with sun streaming in or a heavy snow falling.
I've described my room and and as you might assume it's special to me. This is the prob;em. To my right in a baskets a saying that my husband ran off and is framing for friends: WHAT IF YOU WOKE UP TODAY WITH ONLY WHAT YOU THANKED GOD FOR YESTERDAY. Lord if that had happened Iwould be without this room, without the food i just ate,  without my husband, my son his wife, our grandchildren, clothing, friends. I wouldn't have the Bible I tucked away, the brisk air to breathe, my mind, our church, my existence, the life I love or the land I find so beautiful, the people who protect America the pastors, doctors, store clerks, the garbage men, my vacuum, stove mop, or most importantly, I wouldn't have you-or rather I would undeservedly. I am not proud of this Lord thank you for everything you've so abundantly blessed me with, Help me to remember to thank you dearest Lord so generous

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